My name is Amy Weiland
My grandkids call me Mimi
I was born in 1972 in Wiesbaden, West Germany (when there was a West Germany). I was an Air Force Brat and have moved 36 times in my life. My husband Tim and I live in Las Vegas. We have five grown children and ten grandchildren.
Things I love....
My family. My friends. My faith. Diet Coke. Wonder Woman. Sleeping Beauty. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Movies. Naps. Candy. My iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. Glitter. Mexican Food. Caramel. Crushed Ice.
It's not a leap or anything. I am obsessed with Wonder Woman and my grandkids call me Mimi.
Wonder Mimi was a natural next step.
Like a lot of girls growing up in the 1970's Wonder Woman was one of the only heroes we had. Sure there was the Bionic Woman, but she didn't have cool merch. I used to run around the neighborhood in my Wonder Woman Underoos wearing plastic wrist cuffs and a sparkly headband. I firmly believe that glasses and an up do are an acceptable disguise and have perfected the spin to go from Diana Prince to Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter is my spirit animal and Gal Gadot has my heart.