Make this FRAMEWORK WORK for you!
This week is an overview of where you are and where you are headed.

1. Print the calendars. You can input the information into a digital format later or reprint them when you have it all figured out. We're just planning right now. It could get messy.
2. Sit down with your calendar and start putting in the BIG ROCKS.
(Those franklin covey alum will get the reference.)
BIG ROCKS: What do you know that will FOR SURE be on your calendar? Grab your PEN.
travel/vacation birthdays traditions holiday parties recitals worship services work obligations
Double-check all the "BIG ROCKS". Has anything changed since you first learned about it? We want to get those marked in PEN.
3. SMALL ROCKS: What are some events you know you'd like to see on your calendar? Grab your PENCIL.
family photoshoot travel holiday party
Get some details on the SMALL ROCKS. Need a family photo for the Christmas card?
Call a photographer and get a session scheduled. Want to resurrect the neighborhood Halloween party? Call your friends and put out feelers. Get this stuff on your radar and PENCIL it in!

Empty-headed. Nothing going on upstairs. This is a good thing! Did you know your brain is the WORST place to store information? It reminds you of things at the WORST times. And never when you need it!
This is why experts suggest doing a "brain dump" every once in a while. Sit down for what's called a "30 in 30".
1. Grab a pen and paper. Write down at least 30 ideas and/or thoughts in 30 minutes.
Start by focusing on a topic like Christmas or the Holidays and you will be SURPRISED by all that was on your mind!
The key now is to put those thoughts into a system of some kind. If you have something that works for you, keep doing it! If you need help, here's what I suggest:
2. Create a Christmas Command Center.
Don't panic. I don't want you to be overwhelmed by this, but it is more significant than just a list on your phone. You need to create a space for gathering things. Presents, cards, wrapping supplies, lists, and calendars. Nothing major. Just part of a closet, a cupboard in the kitchen, a shelf in the garage... You get the idea. The more you can gather in one spot, the easier it will be for you to complete tasks and stay ON TOP OF the holidays! Don't be afraid to move some things for a few months to make these supplies more accessible.
Decide on a spot for your command center.
It's not necessary to move everything to the center right now. We'll go through what to add to it in the next few weeks.
Have the calendars and your brain dump list handy at your command center.
You can post it on a corkboard in the room, tape it on the wall or closet, start a binder for all things holidays, or just put them in a cute basket.
3. It's time to schedule the PEBBLES and the SAND. Grab your PENCIL.
PEBBLES: Commitments that aren't necessarily time-sensitive but you want to find a space for in your calendar. It's ok to write these down on several dates. You can solidify your plan the closer it gets.
Drive the Christmas Lights
Live Nativities
Cookie Exchange
SAND: Things you'd really enjoy adding to your calendar but it's ok if they don't get done.
New Traditions
Downtime (like the day after a big party)
Charity Work
You now have a solid framework for your holiday season! Congratulations!!
Head on over to our Facebook Group and let us know what sort of activities you are planning this year. You may find some great ideas from our other members or be the inspiration that someone else needs!
A place to put all that information you wrote down during your brain dump
Gift Lists and DIY Projects.